
01 Jan 2024
Project launched with the vision to
bring Core Banking platform onto Web3 infrastructure
01 Aug 2024
By the end of September, the Real Time
Money will be production-ready on the
Edge computing framework.
01 Oct 2024
By the end of October,
the Dupay will be production-ready
on the Edge computing framework.
01 Oct 2024 A$ND Tokens are in the making, 10
Billion Tokens are minted on SUI network and portion of them will be
available for presale very soon on
SUI wallet, Please check
Tokenomics section for further details.
01 DEC 2024
we are working on a web3 platform for
Crypto tokens buy/sell platform on
SUI which Enable your users to
seamlessly buy your crypto token directly from your platform.
No exchanges needed!
01 AUG 2025
The ASCEND team is building a next-
generation Composable banking
platform on a cloud-native
architecture. This innovative
solution will be ready for demos by
December 2024.
01 DEC 2025 The ASCEND team is developing a next-
generation Composable banking
platform built on Web3
infrastructure using the SUI
Blockchain. This secure platform
will leverage Decentralized
Autonomous Applications (DAAPs)
to store PII and other sensitive
data, and is expected to be
available for demos by March 2025
01 SEP 2026
The ASCEND team is building a next-
generation Fraternity/Chit Funds
platform powered by Web3
infrastructure on the SUI
Blockchain. This platform
prioritizes user privacy by storing
PII and sensitive data within
Decentralized Autonomous Applications (DAAPs), aiming for a September 2025 demo launch.
01 Dec 2026
The ASCEND team is developing a next-
generation Insurance platform
specifically designed for
Fraternity/Chit Funds. This Web3-
based solution utilizes the SUI
Blockchain for secure transactions,
while leveraging Decentralized
Autonomous Applications (DAAPs) to
safeguard PII and sensitive data. Expect to see demos available by
December 2025.
01 Mar 2027 The ASCEND team is building a secure,
scalable Layer 1 Blockchain on
Hyperledger Fabric specifically
designed for the Banking
ecosystem. This innovative platform will migrate all ASCEND
products, offering a native currency
(ASCEND Coin) for seamless
transactions within the network.

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